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Hyaluronic Acid Filler

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is one of the most popular ingredients in skincare treatments. Injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) is a type of temporary dermal filler.

HA is found naturally throughout the body, with the highest concentrations in the joints, eyes, and skin. In the skin hyaluronic acid attracts water, which allows the skin to become more hydrated. As we age, the fat, muscles, bone, and skin in our face begins to thin. This loss of volume leads to sagging appearance of the face, make the face look tired, sad, angry or even old.

Injectable HA is used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, facial folds, and to create volume to the face. 

If you are a healthcare professional (HCP), please log in to see specific information about our products.

Visible results 

Treatments are preferred by patients because they deliver visible results with a solid scientific background for the high quality standard. In addition to the demand for professional knowledge and the combination of different minimally invasive techniques for optimal results, they also emphasize the need for comprehensive medical assessment and a tailor-made treatment plan.  

Minimal pain & high tolerability

'Minimally invasive' also means minimal bruises and almost no pain. The use of completely resorbable products with the clinically proven tolerability supports the treatment risk minimization.  

No surgery, no down time  

The ongoing development of minimally invasive aesthetic treatment methods now leads to results that were previously achieved only with surgical methods. Minimally invasive treatments have surpassed surgical methods in many areas and score outstanding results without either hospitalization, the risks of surgery or down time. Croma-Pharma offers a complete range of HA fillers that are injected by a qualified medical professional into specific dermal layers of the skin.

Frequently asked questions


It is important to talk about your expectations and wishes with your aesthetic practitioner before going ahead.
The medical practitioner confirms having informed the patient of a likely risk associated with the use of the medical device in line with its intended use. For risks and adverse events associated with the use of the product consult the instructions of use.

If you are a healthcare professional (HCP), please log in to see specific information about our products.



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